Is Your Supply Chain Ready to Go Mobile?

by | Oct 1, 2019 | Blog Posts

Mobile supply chain management takes your supply chain on the go

-by Jeff Lawrence 

In a busy healthcare facility, supply chain doesn’t sit behind a desk. It’s everywhere in your organization – on your receiving dock, in your store rooms and supply cabinets, even in patient care areas. Using the Envi app on a mobile device allows automation of some of the most fundamental processes within your supply chain, streamlining activities that just can’t wait until you’re back at your desk.

So often we hear clinicians say they spend far too much time on supply chain tasks. And leaders across healthcare organizations often point to overspending as a huge barrier to profitability, because many supply chains still overstock to avoid stock-outs. But overstocking is clearly not the answer – too much on-hand inventory creates overspending, waste, high percentage of expiration and leaves cash sitting on shelves. Instead, mobile supply chain management creates a faster, more nimble supply chain to support the needs of your busy facility, driving the visibility and automation you need to start improving clinical satisfaction, reducing costs and improving the delivery of care.

Using the Envi mobile app to rev up your supply chain. Here are 4 ideas to help get you started:

1. Use the mobile app to create orders while you’re in the storeroom

 – As you review supplies in your store rooms and cabinets, you can quickly create orders to items that are running low or about to stock-out
– Scan the Envi barcode label and create an order
– Your orders are created and submitted based on your organization’s approval processes

 2. Approve and submit purchase orders in seconds using the Envi app

– No need to wait to get back to your desk – with the mobile app, your purchase order approval process goes everywhere with you
– The Envi app pushes notifications for orders needing your approval
– You can quickly review, and click Yes or No to approve or return
– If the order is approved, Envi instantly submits it directly to the vendor

Click here to learn more about PO Approval best practices from IOS

3. Receive items leveraging the Envi app’s barcode scanning capability

– As items come into your organization, receive them in to complete your ordering process, improve inventory tracking, and build audit trail accuracy
– Improve your order history by taking pictures of packing slips and saving the image within the receiving transaction
– The Envi app enhances order tracking and receipts, helping ensure your orders are complete when you submit invoices for payment

4. Tracking consumption? The mobile app is your best friend

 – If your organization tracks consumption as inventory is pulled, having the Envi app on your hand-held device lets you scan items from any location
– Consumption tracking increases accuracy and automation, helping reduce costs through better inventory management, and improve performance with better reporting and analytics


Surgery centers across the U.S. – like Mercy River Hills Surgery Center – are using Envi to improve automation and accuracy of their supply chain.

The mobile app is available to Envi customers today. Not yet an Envi user, but ready to learn more about mobile supply chain management? Call us at 800.700.4467 and we’ll help you get started.

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About the Author

Jeff Lawrence
Vice President of Business Development
Inventory Optimization Solutions (IOS)

With a substantial background in healthcare supply chain technology, Jeff Lawrence joined Inventory Optimization Solutions (IOS) in 2009 as the Vice President of Business Development. For over 20 years, Jeff has focused on leveraging supply chain technology to build a more efficient and sustainable healthcare industry. With hands-on experience helping providers implement technology to improve business processes, Jeff works in partnership with his customers, sharing best practices to increase automation and improve overall business results.  Jeff’s career has included roles in business development and sales, along with finance, implementation, operations, and strategy development. He brings a strong blend of customer focus, business strategy, innovation and execution, which helps IOS quickly and efficiently deliver inventory and supply management solutions to provider organizations throughout the continuum of care.
